Citrus Heights |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 106. ZONING |
§ 106.39.030. Tree Permit Application Requirements
Application contents. Each Tree Permit application shall include the following information and materials:
General content requirements. The application shall use the forms provided by the Department, shall include an Arborist's report in compliance with Section 106.39.040 (Arborist's Report), and shall be accompanied by the application fee required by the City fee schedule.
Site plan. A Tree Permit application shall include a site plan with the following information, provided that the requirement for a site plan may be waived by the Director if the permit is for removal of dead trees or hazardous trees.
Physical features of the site. The site plan shall accurately show the location of the following existing and proposed features of the site, and structures on the site:
Property lines;
Streets, access easements and/or public or private driveways and other paved areas;
Existing and proposed buildings or structures, including eaves and other architectural features, and the dimensions of the setbacks of all buildings and structures from property lines;
Parking and other paved areas;
Land uses on the site (existing and proposed as applicable);
Proposed grading and construction, including utility trenches;
Existing and proposed grades; and
Tree locations and protected zones. The site plan shall show each protected tree on the site, together with the exact location of the base and protected zone for each protected tree within areas of the site subject to grading, other construction or alteration of the ground surface. The site plan shall also show any tree on an adjacent parcel with a dripline that extends over the site property line.
A survey of the exact horizontal and vertical locations of the protected trees trunks shall be conducted by a professional engineer or a licensed land surveyor. Each tree shall be numbered on both the site plan and grading plan. The base elevation of each protected tree shall be shown on the grading plan.
The exact location of the protected zone of a protected tree is crucial to evaluate impacts from construction; consequently, rough approximations will not be acceptable.
The radius of the protected zone is a circle equal to the trunk diameter in inches converted to feet. (For example, the radius of the protected zone of a tree with a trunk diameter of six inches is six feet.) Trunk diameter is measured at 54 inches above the ground.
In the case of a trunk that is divided into limbs at a point below 54 inches, the trunk diameter shall be measured at the narrowest diameter of the trunk between the base of the tree and 54 inches above the ground.
In certain cases, it may be possible to physically stake the surveyed corner of a buildings or related improvements in the field in order to assess the potential impacts upon the trees.
Application filing. An application for a Tree Permit involving a discretionary project shall be included as part of the application for the discretionary project. An application for a Tree permit not associated with a discretionary project shall be filed with the Department separately.