Citrus Heights |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 106. ZONING |
§ 106.42.015. Accessory Dwelling Units
This Section establishes standards for accessory dwelling units. An accessory dwelling unit may be created by conversion of floor area in a pre-existing primary dwelling unit, by an addition thereto, or created within a new or existing residential accessory structure. Except as otherwise specified by this Chapter, all accessory dwelling units shall comply with all provisions applicable to a primary dwelling unit. Nothing in this Chapter shall provide an exception to the requirements of the Building Code.
Allowed location. An accessory dwelling unit is allowed on any property developed with a single-family residence.
Limitation on number of units. No more than one accessory dwelling unit shall be approved on a single parcel. Accessory dwelling units are not included when calculating the density of a parcel.
Relationship to primary use.
Design, style. An accessory dwelling unit shall be incidental to the primary single-family residential use of the site in terms of location, and appearance, and shall not alter the character of the primary structure. The architectural style, exterior materials, and colors of the accessory dwelling unit shall be compatible with the primary dwelling unit.
Timing of construction. An accessory dwelling unit may be constructed simultaneously with or after the primary dwelling. In addition, an existing dwelling that complies with the development standards for accessory dwellings in Subsection D. below, may be considered an accessory dwelling unit, and a new primary unit may be constructed which would then be considered the primary dwelling unit.
Development standards. The following standards apply to all accessory dwelling units unless an exception is provided in Section 106.42.015.D.9.
Setback requirements. An accessory dwelling unit shall comply with the setback requirements of the applicable zoning district.
Height limit. An accessory dwelling unit shall comply with the height limits of the applicable zoning district except that a detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed a maximum height of 20 feet except when the accessory dwelling unit is above a detached residential accessory structure, in which case it shall not exceed 25 feet.
Lot coverage. Accessory dwelling units shall be included when calculating lot coverage in Section 106.24.060 (Residential District Site Planning and Building Standards).
Maximum floor area.
The floorspace of an attached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 60 percent of the floorspace of the primary dwelling or 1,200 square feet, whichever is less.
The floorspace of a detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 1,200 square feet, regardless of the size of the primary dwelling.
For purposes of computing the floorspace of an accessory dwelling unit, all enclosed areas accessed from within the accessory dwelling unit shall be included. For purposes of computing the floorspace of the primary dwelling, an attached garage of up to 400 square feet may be included when calculating the floorspace of the primary dwelling.
Number of bedrooms. An accessory dwelling unit shall have a maximum of two bedrooms.
Off-street parking requirements. Additional off-street parking is not required for an accessory dwelling unit.
Separate entrance required. An attached second unit shall have an entrance separate from the entrance to the primary dwelling.
Window placement. An accessory dwelling unit that is 15 feet or less from a residential unit on an adjacent parcel shall not have windows that directly face windows in the other unit. A detached accessory dwelling unit located closer than 10 feet to a side lot line or 20 feet from a rear lot line shall have no second floor windows facing the side or rear except obscured glass or clerestory windows, unless the review authority determines that other types of windows will not significantly interfere with the privacy of residents on adjacent parcels.
Conversion of existing accessory structure. If the accessory dwelling unit is created through the conversion of an existing accessory structure into living space, the following exceptions may be applied:
An existing legal accessory structure, including legal non-conforming structures, may be converted to an accessory dwelling unit regardless of height limit, lot coverage, or setbacks.
If an existing legal accessory structure, including legal non-conforming structures, is expanded for the purpose of creating an accessory dwelling unit, a minimum five-foot side and rear yard setback shall apply to all sides of the structure.
Zoning Clearance. The Director shall issue the Zoning Clearance in compliance with Section 106.62.020.
(Ord. No. 2017-002, § 3(Exh. A-1), 7-13-2017)