§ 106.42.130. Mixed Use Projects  

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  • This Section provides standards for the design of mixed use projects, where allowed by Article 2 (Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses). A mixed use project combines residential and nonresidential uses on the same site, with the residential units typically located above the nonresidential uses (vertical mixed use). Residential units may be allowed at ground level behind street-fronting nonresidential uses (horizontal mixed use) only under the limited circumstances specified by this Section.


    Permit requirements and mix of uses. A mixed use project may combine residential uses with any other use allowed in the applicable zoning district by Section 106.26.030 (Commercial and Industrial District Land Uses and Permit Requirements).


    A mixed use project is a permitted use subject to a Zoning Clearance where the proposed nonresidential component is identified as a permitted use by Section 106.26.030 (Commercial and Industrial District Land Uses and Permit Requirements), except that Minor Use Permit approval is required where the Director determines that the nonresidential component will generate odors, noise, or involve activities or hours of operation that may cause nuisances for the residential use (e.g., coffee roasting, restaurant, auto-related use, etc.). This permit requirement shall also apply to a replacement nonresidential use after the mixed use project is established.


    A mixed use project that is proposed with a nonresidential use that is required by Section 106.26.030 (Commercial and Industrial District Land Uses and Permit Requirements) to have Minor Use Permit or Use Permit approval in the applicable zoning district shall be subject to that permit requirement.


    The review authority may restrict or deny a proposed nonresidential use if it determines that the use cannot be operated so as to be compatible with the residential uses on the site.


    Design considerations. A mixed use project shall be designed to achieve the following objectives.


    The design shall provide for internal compatibility between the residential and nonresidential uses on the site.


    Potential glare, noise, odors, traffic, and other potentially significant impacts on residents shall be minimized to allow a compatible mix of residential and nonresidential uses on the same site.


    The design shall take into consideration potential impacts on adjacent properties and shall include specific design features to minimize potential impacts.


    The design shall ensure that the residential units are of a residential character, and that appropriate privacy between residential units and other uses on the site is provided.


    Site planning and building design shall provide for convenient and attractive pedestrian access from the public street into the nonresidential portions of the project, through such means as courtyards, plazas, walkways, and street furniture.


    Site planning and building design shall be compatible with and enhance the adjacent and surrounding residential neighborhood in terms of building design, color, exterior materials, landscaping, lighting, roof styles, scale, and signage.


    Maximum density. The residential component of a mixed use project shall comply with the maximum density requirements of Section 106.26.040 (Commercial and Industrial District General Development Standards) for the applicable zoning district.


    Site layout and project design standards. Each proposed mixed use project shall comply with the property development standards of the applicable zoning district, and the following requirements.


    Location of units. Residential units shall not occupy ground floor space within the first 50 feet of floor area measured from each building face adjacent to a primary public street frontage.


    Figure 4-2 Location of Residential in Mixed Use Project


    Parking. To encourage the development of residential uses in existing and new commercial areas, shared parking shall be incorporated into mixed use projects in compliance with Section 106.36.070 (Reduction of Parking Requirements).


    Loading areas. Commercial loading areas shall be located away from residential units and shall be screened from view from the residential portion of the project to the maximum extent feasible.


    Refuse and recycling areas. Areas for the collection and storage of refuse and recyclable materials shall be located on the site in locations that are convenient for both the residential and nonresidential uses.


    Performance standards.


    Lighting. Lighting for commercial uses shall be appropriately shielded to limit impacts on the residential units.


    Noise. Each residential unit shall be designed and constructed to minimize adverse impacts from nonresidential project noise, in compliance with the City's Noise Ordinance.