Citrus Heights |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 106. ZONING |
§ 106.42.180. Power Transmission Facilities
This Section establishes standards for power transmission facilities, where allowed by Article 2 (Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses).
Permit requirement. Electrical transmission lines or substations of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) with less than 100,000-volt capacity are permitted without City review. A facility with greater than 100,000 volts shall require Council approval. Within 60 days of receipt of a proposal from SMUD to locate and construct, the Council shall conduct a public hearing to consider the compliance of such proposal with the provisions of this Code, and shall adopt a resolution approving, approving an alternative, or disapproving the proposed facilities. The resolution shall contain findings concerning:
The consistency of the proposed facilities with the General Plan;
Feasible alternatives to the proposal;
The necessity for, as compared to the impact of, the proposed facilities on the health, convenience, safety and welfare of City residents.
Location requirements - Transmission lines. Electrical transmission lines of 100,000 volts or greater capacity may be located in any zone and shall be located in easements or rights-of-way which permit access for maintenance with minimal disruption to surrounding properties. Preference shall be given to the location of transmission lines in the rank order specified below; every reasonable effort shall be exerted to avoid established residential areas. In the event SMUD determines that it has no alternative but to route a 100,000 volt or greater capacity transmission line through an established residential area, the lines shall be installed underground except when SMUD can demonstrate that it is not feasible to do so. "Feasible" shall be as defined in Government Code § 53096(c).
Within an existing SMUD transmission right-of-way or a right-of-way anticipated for other projects proposed subject to this Code;
Adjacent to railroads or adopted freeway routes;
Along or adjacent to major arterial streets where existing or planned uses are commercial or industrial;
Adjacent to or through existing or planned commercial or industrial uses;
Along major arterial streets with RD-20 or RD-30 zoning;
Through areas where land uses in an adopted plan are predominately commercial, but include some residential uses; or
Through residential areas, including side and rear yards, irrespective of density.
Location requirements - Substations. A substation may be located in any zone, provided that mitigation measures are implemented in compliance with Subsection D below. Preference shall be given to the location of substations in the following rank order:
A site designated for industrial or commercial land uses in an adopted plan;
A site within an undeveloped area designated for residential use in an adopted plan; or
A site designated for residential use in an adopted plan and surrounded by existing residential uses.
for the purposes of this Zoning Code, a substation is any facility with 100,000 volts or greater capacity that either converts electrical energy to a lesser voltage for the purpose of sub-regional or localized distribution, functions as a transition point from overhead to underground electrical transmission lines, or acts as the point of convergence for two or more transmission lines.
Mitigation measures.
Overhead electrical transmission lines of 100,000 volts or greater capacity shall be designed and installed in a manner to minimize adverse visual impacts. When feasible, SMUD shall relocate and combine existing overhead transmission poles and lines with new installations. If feasible, lines shall be placed underground.
Substations shall be designed and constructed to minimize off-site visual and noise impacts. Planted or landscaped setbacks of at least 25 feet shall be provided on all public street frontages.
SMUD proposals to the Council to locate and construct electrical transmission lines and/or substations subject to this Zoning Code shall include a discussion of mitigation measures to be utilized and a plan indicating the specific site treatments to be employed.
Where new or relocated overhead lines abut a public or private street, poles shall not be sited within, or otherwise encroach upon sidewalks or other pedestrian or bicycle pathways.