Citrus Heights |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 106. ZONING |
§ 106.42.225. Small Lot Housing Product Projects
This Section provides standards for the design of single-family detached units on individual lots when located within the RD-10 through RD-30, BP, GC, SC, and LC zoning districts. The intent of these standards is to allow smaller lots for housing than would otherwise be allowed or allow the development of detached homes on multi-family lots, development standards for Multi-unit housing (apartments) are provided in Section 106.42.150.
Minimum lot area and minimum lot width. The minimum lot area and/or minimum lot width may be determined by the review authority, provided the overall development site complies with the minimum parcel size and that the total number of dwellings is in compliance with the maximum density for the applicable zone.
Building separation. Buildings proposed on the site shall be separated by a minimum of eight feet. Separation for pedestrian oriented stoops, entry features and front porches less than 15 feet in height may be reduced to five feet.
Architectural standards. Each dwelling shall comply with the following architectural requirements:
Exterior siding material shall be high quality wood, stucco, stone or masonry, including wood/stone/masonry veneers. Siding shall extend below the top of the foundation or to the finished ground, whichever is applicable. Low grade wood siding shall be prohibited.
Blank walls are discouraged. All sides of each detached dwelling unit shall provide windows to allow natural lighting into each dwelling. Window placement should consider privacy of adjacent units and private outdoor space.
Semi-private outdoor areas. Each unit shall provide a minimum of 250 square feet of semi-private outdoor area for each unit. The outdoor area shall provide a minimum usable dimension of 10 feet. The review authority may reduce these requirements where necessary to accommodate the minimum density identified for the site by the housing element, provided that project design has first incorporated smaller unit sizes.
Access drive and parking space location.
Each access drive shall be located at least 10 feet from any habitable space and four feet from any portion of a garage or porch, measured in any direction from the edge of the drive (including vertical angle measurement), and no closer than three feet from a fence, patio, trellis, etc.
Parking spaces shall be located at least six feet from any structure measured in any direction from the edge of parking space (including vertical angle measurement).
Garage doors shall either be a minimum of six feet from the edge of the access drive or more than 20 feet from the access drive. If the driveway to the garage is 20 or more feet in depth, the driveway may be counted as a parking space.
A minimum of one guest parking space shall be provided for every dwelling unit. Guest parking may be reduced by the review authority if the review authority finds that based on a parking plan, the site will provide adequate parking for both guests and residents of the site.
A homeowners association or other continuing maintenance and funding mechanism is required to ensure maintenance of all common areas and to enforce parking requirements (including within garages), subject to City review and approval.
Pedestrian access. Each unit shall comply with the following requirements:
Provide direct, convenient, and safe pedestrian connections to common areas within the site and walkways on adjoining public streets or parks.
When multiple units share a common driveway that is lined with individual garages, provide distinguishable pedestrian paths to connect parking areas to articulated individual entries.
Decorative paving and accent landscaping should be utilized to improve pedestrian access.
(Ord. No. 2018-005, § 1(Exh. 1), 10-11-2018)
Editor's note
Ord. No. 2018-005, § 1(Exh. 1), adopted October 11, 2018, set out provisions intended for use as § 106.42.230. For purposes of classification, and at the editor's discretion, these provisions have been included as § 106.42.225.