Citrus Heights |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 106. ZONING |
§ 106.50.020. Antelope Commons
Purpose. The provisions of this Section are intended to allow development within the Antelope Commons SPA to buffer future residents from Antelope Road and adjoining commercial uses, and support an innovative mixed use development design that is an asset to the community, and a transition between existing residential and commercial uses.
Applicability. This Section applies to proposed development and new land uses within the Antelope Commons SPA, as shown on Figure 5-1 and the Zoning Map.
Allowable land uses. Land uses within the planning area shall be limited to townhouses and offices in a mixed use setting. No retail sales shall be conducted from the office structure. Uses other than retail sales shall be office uses including accountants, insurance brokers, engineers, attorneys and similar activities.
Permit requirements. Design review approval shall be required for all proposed development, except for residential accessory structures in compliance with Section 106.42.200 (Residential Accessory Uses and Structures).
Density. Residential density shall not exceed 10.2 dwelling units per acre.
Development standards - Overall project design objectives. The site shall be developed with a mix of residential and office uses. Each townhouse shall be served by a central interior access road, which will also provide emergency access and easement for underground utilities. Garage access to two enclosed parking spaces in eight units and one enclosed parking space in two units shall be via the central drive. Each unit will have one additional covered parking space, in addition to the enclosed spaces. This configuration will allow the townhouses to each have enclosed private outdoor spaces on the east and west sides of the site, to serve as visual buffers for adjoining residences. An additional common open space area along the north boundary of the property will serve as a further buffer for existing residents to the north. All residential units shall have landscaped private rear yards, appropriately designed to provide visual screening for neighboring residents. The common open space area situated along the north property line shall have a children's play area and shall be landscaped to provide visual screening for neighboring residences to the north.
Development standards - Overall project site.
Grading. The design, layout and configuration of improvements shall minimize the extent and amount of grading. The following techniques shall be considered and utilized where feasible:
Grading for streets shall be reduced as much as possible, consistent with the minimum requirements for utility service, drainage requirements and street design and improvement requirements.
Grading plan approval and Grading Permit issuance shall require that the Engineering Division first determine that the plans are consistent with the approved site plans.
Streets. Internal streets may be private.
If private, the streets will meet private roadway standards as required by the Fire District and City and be maintained by the homeowner association (HOA). A Private Road Maintenance Agreement shall also be implemented with the HOA in compliance with the requirements of the Sacramento Metro Fire Department, and the Engineering Division.
All internal private roads shall be of patterned concrete or paver materials, and approved as to design through the Design Review process.
Tree preservation. Improvements shall be designed, laid out, and configured to minimize the relocation of trees.
Access drives.
Access to onsite parking shall be by the internal access drives. The internal access drives shall be installed with a full pavement width of 24 feet within which parking shall be prohibited.
The use of raised curbs will function as vehicle barriers, wheel stops and planter edges.
Garage doors shall be a minimum of five feet from the edge of an access drive. Residents shall be prohibited from using access drives for parking. Guest parking shall be permitted in designated areas, and within the parking lot serving the office building, during off-business hours.
A vertical clearance of at least 13 ½ feet shall be maintained above access drives.
Common open space area. A common open space area along the north boundary of the property shall be no less than 20 feet wide, as measured from the north property line.
Landscape and paving. The landscaping, including all common areas, front yards, and office structure, shall be maintained by the HOA with the exception of the private rear yards of each townhouse. The landscaping design shall be approved through the Design Review process.
Development standards - Individual buildings.
Minimum lot area. The minimum lot area for townhouse units shall be 1,500 square feet.
Setback requirements.
Townhouses. Each townhouse shall comply with the following setback requirements, as applicable.
Front. The front of each townhouse shall be set back five feet from the curb of fronting internal private street.
Side, rear. Each townhouse shall be provided 20-foot minimum side and rear yard setbacks. Each unit shall have a rear yard private outdoor area no less than 20 feet deep, as measured along the west and east property lines.
Office building. The office building shall be provided a 20-foot minimum setback from the front property line along Antelope Road; and a 29-foot minimum setback from the north, east and west property lines.
Equipment. All air conditioning equipment shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from internal streets, and 15 feet from each perimeter property line. The equipment will be screened from public view with landscaping.
Height limits. The maximum height for a townhouse structure shall be 34 feet; the maximum height for the office structure shall be 35 feet.
Site coverage. The total area of all building footprints shall not exceed 60 percent of the total site area.
Fencing requirements. The north, east, and west property boundaries shall be fenced by an eight-foot tall masonry wall, while the south side of the private yards of parcels 5 and 10 shall be fenced by a six-foot tall masonry wall. All walls and fences shall comply with the requirements of Section 106.30.050 (Fences and Walls).
Building design details.
Roof. Each building shall have a pitched roof.
Exterior wall finishes. Each building shall have an exterior finish of either stucco or high grade metal siding.
Materials and colors. The materials and color palettes will be complimentary to the building design, as approved through the Design Review.
Exterior lighting. Exterior sconce lighting shall be used to accent the Office structure as well as provide security and entrance accent lighting for the Townhouses. All exterior lighting shall have full cut-off shields to eliminate light contamination on surrounding properties, and shall comply with all applicable requirements of Chapter 106.25 (Outdoor Lighting).
Office hours of operation. Office uses within the office structure shall not be open before 7:00 a.m. nor after 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided as follows, instead of as required by Section 106.36.040 (Number of Parking Spaces Required):
Townhouse. One or two enclosed parking spaces per unit, plus one covered space for each unit.
Office. Four and one-half parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of office area, in a covered parking structure under the office structure and adjacent to the office structure.
Guest parking. One guest parking space for each two townhouses. Because the project is a mixed use development, the parking spaces normally occupied by office employees may be used for guest parking during off-business hours, and during weekends.
Signs and street addresses. On-site signs shall comply with the following requirements, in addition to those in Chapter 106.38 (Signs):
Office monument sign shall complement color and design of structure;
Residential and office address signs shall be Illuminated at night;
Address signs shall have numbers at least four inches in height;
Address numbers shall be visible for emergency personnel;
Address numbers shall be on the front of each townhouse, near the entrance; and
Monument signs are allowed at the entrances to the project along Antelope Street.