Citrus Heights |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 106. ZONING |
§ 106.50.030. Antelope Crossing.
Purpose. The intent of the Antelope Crossing Special Planning Area (SPA) is to spur reinvestment in the planning area and reposition the area to capitalize on the shopping centers' location while reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT). The Antelope Crossing SPA shall provide for a mix of uses, improve connectivity between the shopping center and surrounding residential development and establish design standards to ensure aesthetically pleasing, quality development to meet the goals of the Antelope Crossing Transformation Plan.
Applicability. This Section applies to proposed development and new land uses within the Antelope Crossing SPA, as shown on Figure 5-2 and the Zoning Map.
Allowable land uses. Allowed uses within the planning area shall be limited to those authorized in the SC (Shopping Center) zoning district by Section 106.26.030 (Commercial and Industrial District Land Uses and Permit Requirements), subject to the permit requirements of Subsection D below.
Permit requirements. Design Review approval shall be required for all proposed development. The replacement of an existing land use shall require planning permit approval in compliance with Section 106.26.030 (Commercial and Industrial District Land Uses and Permit Requirements).
Development standards — Overall project design objectives. The design objectives of this Section are to accommodate a mixture of commercial and residential uses through innovative design, redevelop underutilized and aging buildings, create open space, plazas and pocket parks to create a walkable and attractive neighborhood center. Implementation of the development standards will create a safe and efficient network for vehicles, transit, bicycles and pedestrians, orient buildings toward the street, encourage different uses such as mixed-use office buildings for job creation, ensure compatibility with adjoining residential uses, and provide for innovative site design and enhanced architecture of commercial/mixed use and residential buildings.
Proposed development shall comply with all applicable requirements of the SC zoning district, including Article 3 (Site Planning and Project Design Standards) and Article 4 (Standards for Specific Land Uses) of the Zoning Code, and the following standards:
Grading. The design, layout, and configuration of improvements shall minimize the extent and amount of grading.
Landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the landscaping standards in Article 3. Each new nonresidential and multi-unit residential project shall provide landscaping in compliance with this Article.
Internal circulation. Proposed internal circulation improvements shall create a network of roadways providing safe and direct access as well as visibility to businesses by vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles alike. Roadway improvements shall balance the needs of all users and include elements such as wide sidewalks, bicycle lanes and bicycle parking, slow travel lanes, bus shelters, parking within roadways, pedestrian-scaled light posts, way-finding signage and street trees. Where possible, traffic calming measures such as bulb-outs and enhanced crosswalks shall be built to further contribute to a safe, accessible and pedestrian friendly circulation network.
Public spaces and plazas. Wide sidewalks consisting of shade trees, pedestrian-scaled light posts and other pedestrian amenities that are adjacent to retail shall be provided to create active spaces and enhance the pedestrian experience. Wide sidewalks adjacent to cafes and restaurants shall provide for outdoor dining areas. Plazas and greens shall be incorporated with new development to further provide places to gather in Antelope Crossing. Open spaces shall be designed to enhance the pedestrian experience for shoppers, workers, residents and the public by providing passive recreation, as well as gathering spaces that can be used for events.
Floor area limitation. The floor area ratio (FAR) for residential and nonresidential buildings constructed in the planning area shall not exceed 0.6 in accordance with Article 2.
Residential units. Total residential units for the planning area shall not exceed 118 units.
Height limit. No structure shall exceed a maximum height of 24 feet and two stories within 50 feet of a residential zone, 50 feet and four stories elsewhere in accordance with the height standards in Article 2.
Setbacks. Building setbacks shall comply with the development standards in Article 2. The front and/or side-corner setback may be reduced or eliminated by the review authority to accommodate the placement of a building at the back of the street sidewalk, and/or pedestrian space including outdoor sitting or eating areas. Building setbacks may not be reduced to allow parking closer to street.
Parking. All land uses shall comply with the parking and loading standards in Article 3. Additionally guest parking for residential development projects may be provided on adjoining commercial uses upon approval of the property owner(s). Reciprocal parking between adjacent uses that have different parking demands such as office and residential uses is allowed to avoid the overprovision of parking. A recorded access agreement shall be required for any offsite parking.
Outdoor lighting. Outdoor lighting shall comply with the outdoor lighting standards in Article 3. All outdoor lighting fixtures shall be designed, located, installed, aimed downward and maintained in order to prevent glare, light trespass, and light pollution.
Signs. Proposed signs shall comply with the sign standards in Article 3 except as described below. Proposed signage shall be designed to enhance the identity of Antelope Crossing and individual businesses.
Freeway oriented signs. One freeway oriented freestanding may be allowed with Use Permit approval, and otherwise in compliance with the sign standards in Article 3. The freeway oriented freestanding sign shall be located on property abutting a freeway that is oriented to and intended to be read from the freeway for the purpose of identifying the Planning Area and tenant(s) within the Planning Area. The sign shall be of a superior design incorporating high quality materials. Freeway signage shall incorporate Antelope Crossing's identity concept. The sign may have an electronic message component not to exceed 100 square feet on each side of the sign and shall operate in accordance with the following:
The digital freeway sign shall display static messages only, and shall not have animation, movement, or the appearance or optical illusion of movement in or on any part of the sign structure, design, or pictorial segment of the sign. Each static message shall not include flashing or scintillating lighting, or varying light intensity.
Each message on the sign must be displayed for a minimum of 12 seconds.
The sign shall not operate at brightness levels of more than 0.3 foot-candles above ambient light, as measured using a foot-candle meter at a distance of 250 feet from the sign face. Each digital display area shall have a light sensing device that will adjust the brightness of the sign as ambient light conditions change throughout the day.
The electronic display may only display messages related to businesses located within the Antelope Crossing Special Planning Area.
Figure 5-2 - Antelope Crossing
(Ord. No. 2015-004, § 3, 5-28-2015)
Editor's note
Ord. No. 2015-004, § 3, adopted May 28, 2015, renamed § 106.50.030 from Antelope Road - I-80 as Antelope Crossing.