§ 106.50.070. Camden Place  

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  • A.

    Purpose. The provisions of this Section are intended to ensure that development within the Camden Place SPA will protect and preserve the creeks and floodplains in a natural condition, buffer future residents from Auburn Boulevard and adjoining commercial uses, and support an innovative design that is an asset to the community.


    Applicability. This Section applies to proposed development and new land uses within the Camden Place SPA, as shown on Figure 5-6 and the Zoning Map.


    Allowable land uses. Land uses shall be limited to single family and/or half-plex residential units.


    Permit requirements. Design review approval shall be required for all proposed development, except for residential accessory structures in compliance with Section 106.42.200 (Residential Accessory Uses and Structures).


    Density. Residential density shall not exceed 20 dwelling units per acre.


    Development standards - Overall project design objectives. Development on the site shall utilize the beauty of Brooktree Creek. The homes shall be rear loading (the garage entrance is at the back of the home). Access to the garages shall be from the interior streets and drive aisles. This concept will allow the majority of the homes in Camden Place to front on the creek. The homes that will not be facing the creek will have a mews or green space with landscaping. A small private courtyard shall be provided for each unit.


    Development standards - Overall project site.


    Grading. The design, layout and configuration of improvements shall minimize the extent and amount of grading. The following techniques shall be considered and utilized where feasible.


    Grading for streets shall be reduced as much as possible, consistent with the minimum requirements for utility service, drainage requirements and street design and improvement requirements.


    No grading shall be permitted with the floodway of any stream. Grading plan approval and Grading Permit issuance shall require that the Engineering Division first determine that the plans are consistent with the approved site plans.


    Streets. Internal streets may be private.


    If private, the streets will meet private roadway standards as required by the Fire District and City and be maintained by the homeowner association (HOA). A Private Road Maintenance Agreement shall also be implemented with the HOA in compliance with the requirements of the Sacramento Metro Fire Department, and the Engineering Division.


    All internal private roads shall be of patterned concrete or paver materials, and approved as to design through the Design Review process.


    Tree preservation. Improvements shall be designed, laid out, and configured to minimize the relocation of trees.


    Brooktree Creek. Brooktree Creek shall remain and be preserved in its natural state except for:


    The removal and clearing of debris, growth, brush or trees necessary for the maintenance of the free passage of storm and drainage waters, or for the prevention of flooding of buildings and other improvements; and


    The construction of any improvements expressly approved by the Council, and where the improvements are found to be necessary for the prevention of erosion, the protection of public or private property, or for the preservation of the public health, safety or welfare.


    Elderberry bush preservation. The elderberry bushes on the site shall remain. There shall be no permanent subdivision improvements within 40 feet of the elderberries. Pedestrian trails are permissible provided they are located outside the dripline of the shrubs.


    Access drives.


    Access to onsite parking shall be by the internal access drives. The internal access drives shall be installed with a full pavement width of 24 feet within which parking shall be prohibited.


    The use of raised curbs will function as vehicle barriers, wheel stops and planter edges.


    Garage doors shall be a minimum of three feet from the edge of the access drive. The residents will be discouraged from using these areas for parking because centrally located parking spaces have been provided throughout the project.


    A vertical clearance of at least 13 ½ feet shall be maintained above access drives.


    Landscape and paving. The landscaping, including all common areas, front yards and mews areas, shall be maintained by the HOA with the exception of the private courtyards. The landscaping design shall be approved through the Design Review process.


    Development standards - Individual buildings.


    Minimum lot area. The minimum lot size for single dwellings shall be 1,500 square feet. The minimum lot size for the individually owned parcel of a half-plex unit shall be 750 square feet.


    Setback requirements.


    Side setbacks.


    A zero lot line setback shall be allowed on one side of the unit. The zero lot line is only allowed on interior property lines; corner lots shall provide a minimum three-foot setback. A minimum three-foot setback is also required for the front and rear yards.


    Buildings shall be separated by a minimum of three feet.


    There shall be a minimum of a three-foot unobstructed easement provided adjacent to the structure within the adjacent side yard for maintenance and drainage purposes.


    Garages. Each garage shall be setback three to five feet from the internal street.


    Equipment. All air conditioning equipment shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from internal streets. The equipment will be screened from public view with landscaping.


    Height limits. The maximum allowable building height shall be 32 feet.


    Site coverage. The total area of all building footprints and roofed areas shall not exceed 50 percent of the total site area.


    Building design details.


    Roof. Each building shall have a pitched roof.


    Exterior wall finishes. Each building shall have an exterior finish of either stucco or high grade siding.


    Materials and colors. The color palettes shall be complimentary to the building design.


    Location of openings. Windows, doors or other openings shall not be permitted on the side of a primary structure that is located less than three feet from a side property line.


    Courtyards. Each unit shall have an enclosed courtyard for the private yard.


    Exterior lighting. All exterior lighting shall have full cut-off shields to eliminate light contamination on surrounding properties, and shall comply with all applicable requirements of Chapter 106.25 (Outdoor Lighting).


    Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided as follows, instead of as required by Section 106.36.040 (Number of Parking Spaces Required):


    Single dwelling. Two enclosed parking spaces per unit, plus one guest space for each two units.


    Half-plex. One enclosed parking space per unit plus one guest parking space for each unit.

    No parking shall be allowed within a side yard.


    Signs and street addresses. On-site signs shall comply with the following requirements, in addition to those in Chapter 106.38 (Signs).


    Street address color shall contrast with background house color;


    Street addresses shall be Illuminated at night;


    Street addresses shall be at least four inches in height;


    Street addresses shall be located so as to be readily visible to emergency personnel;


    There shall be no signage on the front or rear of a home; and


    A monument sign is allowed at the entrance to the project from Auburn Boulevard


    Figure 5-6 - Camden Place