§ 106.50.105. 5555 Mariposa Residential  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. The provisions of this Section are intended to ensure that development within the 5555 Mariposa Residential SPA shall protect and preserve environmentally sensitive areas, native trees, as well as creeks and floodplains in a natural condition, reduce roadway noise and pollutants through the use of greenbelts and innovative design, provide adequate circulation within the project site and adequate access to major roads.


    Applicability. This Section applies to proposed development and new land uses within the 5555 Mariposa Residential SPA, as shown on Figure 5-8.5 and the Zoning Map.


    Allowable land use. Land use shall be limited to single-family residential.


    Permit requirements. Design review approval shall be required for all proposed development, except for residential accessory structures in compliance with Section 106.42.200 (Residential Accessory Uses and Structures).


    Development review. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any non-accessory building, a development plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Commission. The plan shall be in substantial conformance with the standards set forth in this chapter. The plan shall show the location of proposed improvements, trees to be retained and removed, parking traffic circulation, landscaping, grading plans, a topographic map drawn with two foot contours, floor plans, elevations and perspectives sufficient to illustrate the full design character of the project. Said review and approval shall not render the property undevelopable for the uses and densities authorized in this chapter.


    Density. The density of residential development of any portion of the property shown in Figure 5-8.5 shall not exceed 6.5 dwelling units per acre.


    Development standards - Overall project site.


    Grading. The design, layout, and configuration of improvements shall minimize the extent and amount of grading. The following techniques shall be considered and utilized if feasible:


    Grading for streets shall be reduced as much as possible, consistent with the minimum requirements for utility service, drainage requirements, and street design and improvement requirements.


    No grading, except as provided in Section 16.44.090 of the Municipal Code shall be done until a grading permit is obtained from the Engineering Division.


    No grading shall be permitted within the floodplain of any stream unless approved by the Planning Commission. The Engineering Division shall not approve any grading plans or issue any grading permit unless said plans are consistent with the site plans approved by the Planning Commission and with the policies as set forth in this section.


    Tree preservation. The design, layout, and configuration of the improvements shall be accomplished as to minimize the removal of Oak trees. No Oak trees having a diameter of six inches or more, measured four and one-half feet above the ground shall be damaged or removed unless:


    The trees are located within the right-of-way of an approved street, private road, or as otherwise specifically approved by the Planning Commission as part of the site plan approval.


    Such removal is necessary for elimination of diseased growth, for fire prevention and control, erosion and flood control, or as may be required for pedestrian, bicycle or equestrian paths and trails.


    Adequate on-site mitigation, as required by the Planning Commission, is identified in conjunction with the projects development plan approval.


    Natural streams. All natural streams having well-defined banks, and a contributory watershed of at least 30 acres, shall remain and be maintained in their natural state except:


    For the removal and clearing of debris, growth, brush or trees necessary for the maintenance of the free passage of storm and drainage waters, or for the prevention of flooding of buildings and other improvements.


    The construction of any improvements expressly approved by the City Engineer, and where such improvements are found to be necessary for the prevention of erosion, the protection of public or private property, or for the preservation of the public health, safety, or welfare.


    The finish floor elevation of each dwelling shall be two feet higher than the 100-Year Floodplain. New construction shall be limited to existing encroachments (i.e. former racquet ball club).


    Project coordination. The Planning Commission, in reviewing and approving development plans, shall consider the relationship of the circulation pattern of the project with neighboring projects and neighborhoods to insure compatibility and Project Coordination with the neighborhood.


    Private streets. Private streets shall be permitted within the project site to provide greater flexibility in site design. The project shall meet the following standards:


    Private roadways shall be constructed to the appropriate public roadway standard, as determined by the City Engineer, with respect to pavement width and thickness, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, etc.


    The streets shall meet all private roadway standards as determined by the Fire District and the City Engineer and be maintained by the homeowner association (HOA). A private Road Maintenance Agreement will also be implemented with the HOA per the requirements of the Sacramento Metro Fire Department and City Engineering Division.


    Enhanced pavement shall be provided within the common courtyards as well as at the main entry to the site from Mariposa Avenue. All crosswalks and bridges shall also receive a decorative surface treatment.


    Cluster developments. Cluster developments with irregular lot dimensions, reduced lot sizes and minimum setbacks of three feet minimum shall be permitted as provided on project specific development plans.


    Refuse containers storage. Refuse containers shall be stored (except on pick-up day) within yard areas not visible from the public (i.e. from Skycrest Elementary School, Mariposa Avenue and San Juan Park) or shall be completely screened by a decorative (trellis) partition.


    One story homes. Six homes onsite must be one-story.


    Parking. The parking requirement is a minimum of two enclosed parking spaces per dwelling plus one guest parking space for each dwelling. Guest parking shall be distributed throughout the site at designated guest parking spaces and along the street. Garages and driveways shall at all times be available for parking of vehicles only (i.e. not Boats or RVs). Storage within the garage, or any other use within the garage, is only allowed to the extent that it does not impede parking of the vehicle or vehicles of the owner/tenant of the unit. The CC&Rs shall require that residents park their vehicles in their own garages, leaving guest parking spaces available for guests.


    Boat and RV storage. Guest parking and on-street parking spaces are strictly reserved for guest and overflow parking. Guest spaces shall not be used for RV or boat storage.


    Building setback. Overall perimeter setbacks shall comply with the following building setbacks:


    A minimum 60-foot building setback from Mariposa Avenue.


    A minimum 20-foot building setback from the site's northerly west boundary adjacent to existing residences.


    A minimum 10-foot building setback from the site's southerly west boundary.


    A minimum 15-foot building setback from Skycrest Elementary School.


    A minimum 10-foot building setback from San Juan Park.


    A minimum 15-foot building setback from the private street.


    A minimum 3-foot building setback to the interior side property line.


    A minimum 10-foot building setback to the rear property line.


    Setback to drainage channel. All structures shall provide a minimum 50-foot setback from the top of the bank or lesser of existing encroachment line as shown in the following map:

    Exhibit S


    Landscaping. The landscaping, including all common areas, including front yards and side-street yards shall be maintained by the homeowners association.


    Lighting. All outdoor lighting, including building mounted lighting fixtures and street lights shall utilize full cut-off lenses.


    Minimum lot size. The minimum lot size for each home shall be 2,100 square feet.


    Project design. Development of the site shall utilize a cluster home design which orients dwellings around a courtyard/common drive or provides units that provide direct access to the main drive. No more than five dwelling units are allowed within a cluster. Architectural detailing for each dwelling as well as the courtyard, including landscaping enhanced paving and ornamental and monumental entry features such as lighting and signage for each dwelling is required to provide interest and aesthetics within the courtyard. The following shall apply to the design:


    Building height. The maximum building height shall be 30 feet from finish grade.


    Pitched roofs. All buildings shall be constructed with pitched roofs.


    Architecture. All buildings and structures shall maintain a craftsman architectural theme and shall provide complimentary colors and finishes to the building design.


    Figure 5-8.5

(Ord. No. 2007-10, § 3(Exh. F), 9-13-2007; Ord. No. 2015-003, § 3, 4-19-2015)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 2015-003, adopted April 19, 2015 renumbered § 106.50.095 as § 106.50.105.