Citrus Heights |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 106. ZONING |
§ 106.50.107. Mitchell Farms Special Planning Area
Purpose. The provisions of this Section are intended to ensure that development within the Mitchell Farms SPA shall protect and preserve to the extent feasible environmentally sensitive areas, native trees, as well as creeks and floodplains in a natural condition, reduce roadway noise and pollutants through the use of greenbelts and innovative design, provide safe and efficient circulation within the project site and adequate access to major roads.
Applicability. This Section applies to proposed development and new land uses within the Mitchell Farms SPA, as shown on Figure 5-8.7 and the Zoning Map.
Allowable land uses. Land uses shall be limited to single-family dwellings and accessory structures, recreational amenities, trails, open space and cellular telecommunications uses.
Permit requirements. Design review approval shall be required for all proposed development, excluding residential accessory structures as defined in Chapter 106.80.
Density. The density of residential development of any portion of the property shown in Figure 5-8.7 shall not exceed 20 dwelling units per acre.
Development standards—Overall project site.
Grading. The design, layout, and configuration of improvements shall minimize the extent and amount of grading. The following techniques shall be considered and utilized if feasible:
Grading for streets shall be reduced as much as possible, consistent with the minimum requirements for utility service, drainage requirements, and street design and improvement requirements.
No grading shall be done until a grading permit is obtained from the Engineering Division.
No grading shall be permitted within the 100-year floodplain of any stream or within the creek setback area (as defined by Section 106.30.040) unless approved by the Engineering Division. The Engineering Division shall not approve any grading plans or issue any grading permit unless said plans are consistent with the site plans approved by the Planning Commission and with the policies as set forth in this Section.
Tree preservation. The design, layout, and configuration of the improvements shall minimize the removal of trees. No protected tree, as defined by Chapter 106.39 shall be damaged or removed unless:
The trees are located within the right-of-way of an approved street, private road, or as otherwise specifically approved by the City as part of the site plan approval, or
Such removal is necessary for elimination of diseased growth, for fire prevention and control, erosion and flood control, or as may be required for pedestrian or bicycle paths and trails, or
Adequate on-site or offsite mitigation is identified in conjunction with the development plan approval of the Mitchell Farms project.
All trees within the special planning area shall be protected under Chapter 106.39, regardless of the size of the lot.
Creek Corridor/Open Space Area. The SPA area is bisected by an unnamed tributary of Arcade Creek. The tributary and associated aquatic resources shall remain and be maintained in their natural state except:
For the removal and clearing of debris, growth, brush or trees necessary for the maintenance of the free passage of storm and drainage waters, or for the prevention of flooding of buildings and other improvements.
For the construction, use and maintenance of a recreational trail system and park amenities.
For the construction of any other improvements expressly approved by the City Engineer, and where such improvements are found to be necessary for the prevention of erosion, the protection of public or private property, the delivery of utilities such as water and sewer, or for the preservation of the public health, safety, or welfare.
Unless otherwise provided above and subject to federal and state regulatory requirements, jurisdictional waters within the Creek Corridor shall be avoided.
Private streets. Private streets shall be permitted within the project site to provide greater flexibility in site design. The project shall meet the following standards:
Private roadways shall be constructed to the appropriate public roadway standard, as determined by the City Engineer, with respect to pavement width and thickness, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, etc. Separated sidewalks with landscape planters may be required.
The private streets shall meet all private roadway standards as determined by the Fire District and the City Engineer and be maintained by the Homeowner Association (HOA). A private Road Maintenance Agreement will also be implemented with the HOA per the requirements of the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District and City Engineering Division.
Refuse containers storage. Refuse containers shall be stored (except on pick-up day) within yard or garage areas not visible to the public or shall be completely screened by a decorative partition or by landscaping. Each storage area shall provide concrete or similar walkway to provide access to the adjacent street or alley.
Building height. The maximum building height shall be 30 feet from finish grade.
Parking. The parking requirement is a minimum of two enclosed parking spaces per dwelling plus one guest parking space for each dwelling. Guest parking shall be distributed throughout the site at designated guest parking spaces and along the streets. Parking along both public and private streets can be counted toward the guest parking requirement. Garages and driveways shall at all times be available for parking of vehicles only (i.e. not boats or RVs). Storage within the garage, or any other use within the garage, is only allowed to the extent that it does not impede parking of the vehicle or vehicles of the owner/tenant of the unit. The CC&Rs shall require that residents park their vehicles in their own garages, leaving guest parking spaces available for guests.
Boat and RV storage. Guest parking and on-street parking spaces are strictly reserved for guest and overflow parking. Guest spaces shall not be used for RV or boat storage. Guest parking spaces shall also not be used for commercial vehicle parking or storage.
Neighborhood gateways. Individual neighborhood entry gateways to the SPA area shall be enhanced and shall include accent trees, colorful annual plants, signage and other special landscape elements.
Street lighting. Street lighting shall meet minimum City standards and shall consist of fixtures along public and private streets, sidewalks and trails providing sufficient illumination for vehicular and pedestrian safety. Outdoor lighting shall meet the following standards:
All street lights on public and private streets shall have a color temperature of 3,000K or less.
All lighting within the open space area shall be approved by the Sunrise Recreation and Park District. If available and acceptable to the Sunrise Recreation and Park District, all open space lighting shall be certified "Dark Sky Approved" by the International Dark Sky Association.
All lighting in the common areas owned by the HOA shall be certified "Dark Sky Approved" by the International Dark Sky Association.
All lighting on private lots, whether attached to the home or free-standing, shall be certified "Dark Sky Approved" by the International Dark Sky Association.
Minimum lot size. The minimum lot size for each home shall be as follows:
a. Single-Family Homes: 4,000 square feet b. Patio Homes: 2,500 square feet c. Paseo Homes: 2,000 square feet 12.
Minimum usable outdoor area. Each patio and paseo lot shall have a minimum usable private/semi-private outdoor area as outlined below. To be considered "usable", a minimum width of eight feet is required.
a. Patio Homes: 500 square feet b. Paseo Homes: 400 square feet The minimum usable outdoor area can be reduced in size for parcels that adjoin open space and have direct visibility from their outdoor area into the open space. For parcels which are the recipient of a shared use easement, the area within that easement can count towards the minimum usable outdoor area.
A patio cover, open on at least three sides, can be included in the minimum usable outdoor area.
Building setback. All dwelling units shall comply with the following minimum building setbacks:
Traditional single-family homes.
i. Front: 15 feet for home; 20 feet from back of sidewalk for garage facade ii. Rear: 15 feet* iii. Interior side: 5 feet iv. Street side: 12.5 feet *The primary structure may project into a required rear yard setback provided that an area equal to the projection is provided as a yard or court within the buildable area of the lot. In no event shall the setback be less than 10 feet.
Patio homes.
i. Front: 4 feet. The garage door must be less than 6 feet or more than 20 feet. ii. Rear: 5 feet iii. Interior Side: 4 feet iv. Street Side: 10 feet c.
Paseo homes.
i. Front: 4 feet ii. Rear: 4 feet. The garage door must be less than 6feet or more than 20 feet. iii. Interior Side: 4 feet iv. Street Side: 10 feet 14.
Accessory structures.
Single-family homes. All accessory structures shall comply with the provisions contained within Section 106.42.200 of the Zoning Code.
Patio homes. All accessory structures shall comply with the building setbacks outlined in Section 13 (Building Setbacks) above.
Paseo homes. All accessory structures shall comply with the building setbacks outlined in Section 13 (Building Setbacks) above.
Figure 5-8.7 Mitchell Farms
(Ord. No. 2018-002, § 3, 9-27-2018)