Citrus Heights |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 106. ZONING |
§ 106.24.050. Residential and Open Space District Residential Density Standards
Each residential development shall not exceed the following maximum residential density (number of dwelling units per acre) requirement for the applicable zoning district, except in compliance with Chapter 106.32 (Affordable Housing Requirements and Incentives).
RD districts.
Maximum density - All RD districts. For a subdivision of five lots or more, the maximum allowable residential density shall be as identified for the applicable residential zoning district on the Zoning Map by the numerical suffix to the "RD" zoning symbol, which expresses the maximum allowable number of dwelling units per gross acre. For example, RD-1 allows a maximum of one dwelling per acre, RD-15 allows a maximum of 15 dwellings per acre, etc. This requirement does not apply to a proposed subdivision of four or fewer lots.
Maximum density - RD-1 through RD-4. No more than one detached single-family dwelling is allowed on a single parcel in the RD-1, 2, 3, and 4 zones, provided that an accessory dwelling unit may also be allowed in compliance with Section 106.42.015 (Accessory Dwelling Units).
Minimum density - RD-20 and above. Within the RD-20 and higher density zoning districts, each proposed residential development shall provide a minimum of 50 percent of the maximum density of the applicable zoning district. For example, a project in the RD-20 zone shall provide a minimum density of 10 units per acre. This standard shall not apply to parcels under two acres in net area prior to subdivision.
MH district.
The maximum allowable residential density within the MH zoning district is established for mobile home parks by Section 106.42.140 (Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks).
The maximum residential density for residential uses other than a mobile home park is one dwelling unit per parcel.
O district. The maximum allowable residential density within the O zoning district is one dwelling unit per parcel.
(Ord. No. 2017-002, § 3(Exh. A-1), 7-13-2017; Ord. No. 2018-005, § 1(Exh. 1), 10-11-2018)