§ 106.26.030. Commercial and Industrial District Land Uses and Permit Requirements  

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  • A.

    General permit requirements. Table 2-5 identifies the uses of land allowed by this Zoning Code in each commercial and industrial zoning district, and the planning permit required to establish each use, in compliance with Section 106.22.030 (Allowable Land Uses and Permit Requirements).


    Permit requirements for certain specific land uses. Where the last column in Table 2-5 ("Specific Use Regulations") includes a section number, the referenced section determines whether the use requires a Zoning Clearance, Minor Use Permit, or Use Permit. The referenced section may also establish other requirements and standards applicable to the use.


    Permit requirements based on scale of use. Where Table 2-5 identifies a use with an "S" and the last column in the table refers to this Subsection, the use is permitted with a Zoning Clearance if it is a building tenant that will occupy 15 percent or less of the total building floor area. Use Permit approval is required when the use occupies more than 15 percent of the total floor area.

    TABLE 2-5

    Allowed Land Uses and Permit Requirements
    for Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts

    Permitted use, Zoning Clearance required
    Conditional use, Minor Use Permit required
    Conditional use, Use Permit required
    Permit requirement set by Specific Use Regulations
    Use not allowed
    LAND USE (1)
    Specific Use
    Contract construction service - Indoor P P
    Contract construction service - Outdoor storage MUP MUP
    Contract construction service - Outdoor work area UP UP
    Manufacturing/processing - Light UP P
    Manufacturing/processing - Medium intensity
    Manufacturing/processing - Heavy
    Medical marijuana cultivation S S S S S S S 50-702
    Non-medical marijuana cultivation S S S S S S S 50-802
    Recycling - Small collection facility MUP MUP MUP MUP 106.42.190
    Storage - Outdoor UP UP 106.42.170
    Storage - Personal storage facility (mini-storage) UP UP MUP
    Storage - RVs, boats UP UP
    Storage - Warehouse, indoor storage P P
    Wholesaling and distribution P P
    Adult entertainment business S S S 106.40
    Bingo parlor UP 10.81 — 10.100
    Card room UP UP 10.26 — 10.54
    Commercial recreation facility - Indoor UP UP UP MUP UP
    Commercial recreation facility - Outdoor C UP MUP UP
    Conference/convention facility UP UP UP UP
    Fitness/health facility UP P P P P UP
    Golf Course UP MUP UP
    Library, museum P P P P
    Meeting facility, public or private UP UP UP UP UP
    Park, playground P P P P P UP
    School - College, university UP UP UP UP
    School - Elementary, middle, secondary UP UP UP
    School - Specialized education/training - Minor P P P P P
    School - Specialized education/training -Major UP UP UP UP UP
    Sports and entertainment assembly facility UP MUP MUP MUP
    Studio - Art, dance, martial arts, music, etc. S P P P S 106.26.030.C
    Theater MUP MUP MUP
    Emergency shelter S 106.42.090
    Home occupation P P P P 106.42.100
    Live/work unit MUP MUP UP UP 106.42.110
    Mixed use project residential component S S S S S 106.42.130
    Multi-unit dwelling P P P P 106.42.150
    Single room occupancy (SRO) facility UP
    Small lot housing product S S S S 106.42.225
    Work/live unit UP UP UP UP 106.42.110
    Accessory retail uses P P P P P P P
    Alcoholic beverage sales S S S S 106.42.020
    Bar UP UP UP UP 106.42.020
    Brew Pub/Tavern P P P 106.42.020
    Building/landscape materials sales P P
    Construction and heavy equipment sales and rental UP P P
    Convenience store S S S S S S 106.42.070
    Drive-through retail UP UP UP 106.42.080
    Fuel dealer (propane for home and farm use, etc.) P
    General retail P P P P
    Groceries, specialty foods P P P
    Mixed use project S S S S 106.42.130
    Night club UP UP
    Office-supporting retail S P P P S 106.26.030.C
    Outdoor displays and sales P P P P 106.42.160
    Public auction, flea market UP
    Restaurant, café, coffee shop S P P P P MUP S 106.26.030.C
    Smoking paraphernalia establishment S S S S S S S 106.42.230
    Wood yard (firewood sales) MUP
    ATM - Outdoor MUP MUP MUP MUP MUP MUP MUP 106.42.040
    ATM - Within a building P P P P P P P
    Bank, financial services P P P P P
    Business support service P P P P P
    Medical services - Doctor office, clinic, or urgent care P P P P P
    Medical services - Extended care P P
    Medical services - Hospital UP UP
    Medical services - Laboratory P P P P P
    Medical marijuana dispensary 106.42.120
    Medical services - Substance abuse treatment clinic UP 106.42.240
    Office P P P P P
    Adult day care UP P P P
    Catering service P P P
    Child day care center MUP MUP MUP MUP MUP
    Drive-through service UP UP UP
    Equipment rental - Indoor P P P
    Equipment rental - Outdoor MUP MUP
    Kennel, animal boarding UP UP UP
    Lodging - Bed & breakfast inn (B&B) UP UP UP UP
    Lodging - Hotel or motel UP UP UP
    Massage therapy P P P P 22-596
    Maintenance service - Client site services P P P 10.4.36
    Mortuary, funeral home UP UP P
    Personal services P P P P S 106.26.030.C
    Personal services - Restricted MUP MUP MUP
    Public facilities P P P P P P P
    Repair service - Equipment, large appliances, etc. P P
    Veterinary clinic, animal hospital UP UP P P P
    Ambulance, taxi, and specialized transportation dispatch facility MUP MUP MUP MUP MUP
    Broadcasting studio P P P P P
    Freight terminal MUP P
    Parking facility, public or commercial, surface MUP MUP MUP MUP MUP MUP
    Parking facility, public or commercial, structured UP UP UP UP UP UP
    Pipeline, utility transmission or distribution line UP UP UP UP UP UP UP
    Telecommunications facility S S S S S S S 106.44
    Transit station or terminal UP UP UP UP
    Utility facility UP UP UP UP UP UP UP
    Utility infrastructure P P P P P P P
    Vehicle storage UP UP
    Auto parts sales with no installation services P P P P
    Auto/vehicle sales and rental MUP P
    Auto/vehicle sales, wholesale - 2 cars or less at any time P P P P P
    Auto/vehicle sales, wholesale - 3 or more cars, other vehicles MUP P
    Mobile home, boat, or RV sales MUP P
    Service station UP UP UP UP UP
    Vehicle services - Major repair/body work UP UP MUP
    Vehicle services - Minor maintenance/repair UP UP P P


    Key to Zone Symbols

    BP Business and Professional Office AC Auto Commercial
    LC Limited Commercial CR Commercial Recreation
    SC Shopping Center MP Industrial/Office Park
    GC General Commercial




    See Article 8 for land use definitions.

(Ord. No. 2008-15, § 1, 12-11-2008; Ord. No. 2012-004, § 2, 2-25-2012; Ord. No. 2013-006, § 3, 6-13-2013; Ord. No. 2013-011, § 3, 11-14-2013; Ord. No. 2015-005, § 3, 7-9-2015; Ord. No. 2016-001, § 3, 1-28-2016; Ord. No. 2016-005, § 1, 8-11-2016; Ord. No. 2016-009, § 6, 9-22-2016; Ord. No. 2017-003, § 3(Exh. B-2), 7-13-2017; Ord. No. 2018-005, § 1(Exh. A), 10-11-2018)