Citrus Heights |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 106. ZONING |
§ 106.30.080. Performance Standards
Purpose. This Section provides performance standards that are designed to minimize various potential operational impacts of land uses and development within the City, and promote compatibility with adjoining areas and land uses.
Applicability. The provisions of this Section apply to all new and existing land uses, including permanent and temporary uses in all zoning districts, unless an exemption is specifically provided. Uses existing on the effective date of this Section shall not be altered or modified thereafter to conflict with these standards.
Combustibles and explosives. The storage of flammable and combustible liquids is limited to the volumes established by the Fire District.
Dust. Activities that may generate dust emissions (e.g., construction, grading, commercial gardening, and similar operations) shall be conducted to limit the emissions beyond the site boundary to the maximum extent feasible. Appropriate methods of dust management shall include the following, subject to approval by the Building Official.
Scheduling. Grading shall be designed and grading activities shall be scheduled to ensure that repeat grading will not be required, and that completion of the dust-generating activity (e.g., construction, paving or planting) will occur as soon as possible.
Operations during high winds. Clearing, earth-moving, excavation operations or grading activities shall cease when the wind speed exceeds 25 miles per hour averaged over one hour.
Limiting the area of disturbance. The area disturbed by clearing, demolition, earth-moving, excavation operations or grading shall be minimized at all times.
Dust control. Fugitive dust emissions shall be controlled by regular watering, paving or other treatment of permanent on-site roads and construction roads, the covering of trucks carrying loads with dust content, and/or other dust-preventive measures (e.g., hydroseeding, etc.).
Revegetation. Graded areas shall be revegetated as soon as possible to minimize dust and erosion. Disturbed areas of the construction site that are to remain inactive longer than three months shall be seeded with a native plant seed mix and watered until plant cover is grown and maintained. Temporary irrigation systems shall be installed in accordance with Section [Chapter] 106.34.
Fencing. Appropriate fences or walls shall be constructed to contain dust within the site as required by the Building Official.
Ground vibration. No ground vibration shall be generated that is perceptible without instruments by a reasonable person at the property lines of the site, except for vibrations from temporary construction or demolition activities, and motor vehicle operations.
Light and glare. Light or glare from mechanical or chemical processes, or from reflective materials used or stored on a site, shall be shielded or modified to prevent emission of light or glare beyond the property line. Outdoor lighting shall comply with the requirements of Section 106.30.070 (Outdoor lighting).
Liquid waste. No liquid shall be discharged into a public or private body of water, sewage system, watercourse, or into the ground, except in compliance with applicable regulations of the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Noise. Noise producing activities shall comply with the City's Noise Ordinance.
Odor. No obnoxious odor or fumes shall be emitted that are perceptible without instruments by a reasonable person at the property line of the site.
Radioactivity, electrical disturbance or electromagnetic interference. None of the following shall be emitted:
Radioactivity, in a manner that does not comply with all applicable state and federal regulations; or
Electrical disturbance or electromagnetic interference that interferes with normal radio or television reception, or with the function of other electronic equipment beyond the property line of the site; or that does not comply with all applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and other applicable state and federal regulations.
(Ord. No. 2015-010, § 1, 12-10-2015)