§ 106.31.060. Specific Commercial Uses
The following design standards apply to the specific commercial uses identified:
Service stations. A service station (with or without a car wash) is an intensive auto-oriented use with large areas of pavement that requires particular design attention to be an attractive neighbor.
Site planning. Service station site plans should incorporate the following features:
The site should be designed to accommodate anticipated car and truck (including fuel delivery truck) circulation patterns and minimize paving.
Driveway cuts should be limited to two per site, unless otherwise allowed by the City Engineer for valid circulation reasons.
Service and wash bays should not face streets or residential properties. The visibility of service and wash bays otherwise should be minimized.
Fuel pump islands and canopies should be screened by the main building structure. The retail market/office building should be placed at the street frontage with a pedestrian entrance from, and display windows along the sidewalk, to encourage pedestrian use.
Building design. Service station buildings should be designed to comply with the following guidelines:
Site specific architectural design is encouraged. Corporate or franchise "stock" design solutions are discouraged.
Each structure on the site should be architecturally consistent and related to an overall architectural theme.
High quality building materials are encouraged. Reflective, glossy, and florescent surfaces are discouraged.
The roof design of all structures, including pump canopies, should incorporate pitched roof treatments with a low to moderate pitch. Flat or mansard roofs are discouraged unless they are consistent with an established and attractive architectural theme in the site vicinity.
Fuel pump canopies should not be internally illuminated. Light fixtures shall be completely recessed into the canopy so that the light source is concealed.
Each pump island should include stacking for at least two vehicles (40 feet) on-site, or at least at one end of the pump island.
(Ord. No. 2008-15, § 1, 12-11-2008)