Any tentative subdivision map or vesting subdivision map is eligible for an extension
of time, provided final approval for such extension occurs prior to the expiration
of the original map. The hearing procedures for an extension of time shall be the
same as for resubmittal of the map. Upon filing of a timely application for an extension
of time, the map shall automatically be extended for 60 days or until the application
for the extension is approved, conditionally approved, or denied, whichever occurs
first. An extension of time may not be granted for more than 36 months, but may be
granted for a lesser time at the sole discretion of the final hearing body. A subdivider
may apply for a resubmission of the map rather than an extension of time; in which
case, the map may be approved after the expiration date of the original map. The expiration
date of an approved resubmitted map shall be as set forth in Section 22.20.060 [82-145].