The provisions of this section express the intention and desire of the commission.
Applicants shall be authorized but not required to include within their applications
cable capacities which comport with the provisions of this section. An applicant who
chooses to make a cable capacity proposal at variance with the provisions of this
section shall not be disqualified from bidding or consideration in selection of the
franchisee. It is expressly declared that the factors upon which selection will be
based are so numerous and subjective as to make it impossible to know in advance the
relative importance of a determination by an applicant to either make or not to make
such a proposal in relation to other factors upon which award of a franchise will
be based. The cable television system installed pursuant to the initial CATV franchise
should consist of not less than two cables for the subscriber network, plus a third
cable for the institutional network. Each of the three cables should have a capacity
of not less than 35 channels.
The cables for the subscriber network should be installed within the service area
and outside thereof in such a manner as to comply with the availability of service
requirements established by subdivision II. One of the cables for the subscriber network
should be fully operational as services are required to be made available pursuant
to the provisions of subdivision II. The second cable for the subscriber network should
be installed at the same time as the other two cables, but may be initially inoperable.
The second cable for the subscriber network should become operable by such date or
within such time as is prescribed within the application submitted by the franchisee
or resolution offering the franchise.
The cable for the institutional network should be fully operational as services are
required to be made available pursuant to the provisions of subdivision II. The cable
for the institutional network may be installed in all areas in which the subscriber
network cables are installed. Within service areas applicable to a franchise, the
cable for the institutional network should pass such public and institutions, facilities
and buildings as are prescribed by the request for proposals.